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S A H E L oncology.
Over 10 years of oncology research
Sahel Oncology is actively pursuing drug development in the field of oncology, with key products that have shown promising results in variety of cancer types. The main aim of Sahel is to apply therapies that improve overall survival , rather than tumor size or progression free survival. Sahel has dedicated last 8 years in experimental therapeutics and designed several clinical trials, including trial to treat patients with brain cancer, which has received orphan drug designation approval by the FDA. To learn more about the patented technology and products, please see:
Background: In cancer the disease itself is so complicated that the efforts to make " one" drug to show any measurable efficacy usually fails. This makes the process of approval for a drug so difficult that in majority of the times, the goals for the therapy need to be modified to prove efficacy, for example a trial instead of looking at the overall survival ( OS) for the patients, only looks at the progression free survivals ( PFS) or time to progression and the bars set lower for the approval. Finally there is bias around the funding agency and the outcome. As you see below in an article published by British Medical Journal in 2003: Pharmaceutical industry sponsorship and research outcome and quality: systematic review
BMJ 2003; 326 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.326.7400.1167 (Published 29 May 2003)Cite this as: BMJ 2003;326:1167
Our R & D team has established a track record of a decade on disruptive therapies to improve patients' survival
We're at the forefront of ever-changing paradigm in precision oncology, by incorporating translational science in epigenetics
We have collectively treated hundreds of patients with advanced cancer, with superior results
What is different in Sahel:
Sahel Oncology LLC has designed a combination protocol that is based on using compounds and methods that are targeting hundreds of genes and targets at the same time, bypassing the barrier on using " one drug for one target". The concept of pan-genomic effect is essentially vital in Sahel philosophy of drug development as it virtually can impact tumor heterogeneity.
Sahel has spent last 8-10 years studying the relevance of cutting edge science in oncology and stem cells into clinical applications. Hundreds of patients have been treated by such approach. many articles published, and of course the patents applied for and approved in US and beyond. Sahel has been fortunate to work with the most credible academic institutions in oncology and contracted experimental therapeutics for such purpose. Sahel has generated extensive amount of invitro and preclinical data along the way. Sahel foresees that in a proposed clinical trial, instead of a large sample size made of thousands of patients, as required by most of current trials, it can rely on large "effect size" to prove the concept. For a usual drug company these days as described, the effect size of the drug is so little, ( as there is one target for very drug), that there is a need to use thousands of cases in a trial to show efficacy. Here the number of patients in a clinical trial need only to be few, to show the same effect size. Currently Sahel is involved with several phase I/ II trials through the FDA.
Historically, in Sahel, the protocols, drugs and methods came all in place after treating patients who had failed all standard of care modalities. We were not creating targets in the labs and forming drugs based on that to SELL our product. Instead we were treating patients and reporting the success, and using the laboratory "to confirm" what we saw in the clinic. The process started with good medicine. All our finances were coming from patients who were treated successfully over the last ten years. All the research we did was based on the funds patients provided us. No venture capital or angels were involved and again we are proud that we relied on patient satisfaction to be alive and grow to a business model in Sahel Oncology LLC.
Our telling history of discovery and innovation began 10 years ago and continues as of today. Through the years, our researchers have helped to find new ways to treat and prevent cancer in people around the world. We've done great things in the past. Today, we're doing great things for the future. All we are proud of, has been accomplished by a novel concept of team work and the common mission of closing the current existing wide gap between the translational research and clinic.
For the longest time, the common thought was that the translational research usefulness is dependent on marketing strategies and channels of distribution, where WE believed that the quality care does not require marketing, neither science should be limited on it’s access to clinics, based on the business decision makers choice.
Our Global patient access proved our vision, as none of the patients who travels all across the world to receive treatments have been marketed to do so. What drives the patients to seek an effective therapy is it’s EFFECTIVENESS. Please see www.allcancercare.com for more information in regards to the available therapies at the clinic.
We are proud to say not only we have shown extraordinary results in treatment of cancer cells, animals and in human, but also we have challenged the existing paradigm of conducting research and interpreting the oncology trials.
At Sahel we are dedicated to transform breakthrough translational science into novel therapeutics in oncology.
Compassion, inventiveness and a desire for excellence are what drive our people to discover what's possible for the most impossible things.
we are looking forward to celebrate our anniversary to bring a new vision in global health care and disruptive therapies in cancer. Our accomplishments are beyond the expected for any drug company so far, as well as what we're excited about for the years to come.
Current standard therapies, are not dynamic. They are fixed dose, of fixed drugs for a fixed target. In the field of epigenetics, the cancer stem cells are able to switch on and off the alterations in a dynamic fashion. The disruptive nature of our treatment is unique and has disrupted the way we look at cancer cell biology, and interpret that into therapeutics( clinical genomics). The whole concept of one suit fits all ( types of tumor) in cancer care only was replaced by one suit fits all ( types of genomic alterations) a decade ago, and now is time to replace that with heterogenous therapy for heterogenous disease, which is our slogan! ( The dynamic nature of tumor genomics only deserves such flexible and dynamic approach to adapt to tumor biology) to cause successful outcomes in the clinic consistently. Such disruptive therapy is customized to the genomics of the tumor but in a dynamic pattern to reduce the chances of tumor resistance. In summary the therapy provides superiority in several ends to the current available drugs:
It is customized
It is adaptive
It is dynamic
It is stem cell driven
It is extremely well tolerated
It targets over 200 genes
It has received approval for orphan drug designation by the US FDA.
Access and patient assistance:
In Sahel Oncology, the patient care comes first.
The president of the company has made this mission clear to all, that since it’s birth, the quality of care was never to be negotiable both in research as well as clinics, therefore all team members work collaboratively to assure that patients receive the care they deserve not only in the clinical trials but also off the trial if they need the medications.
That is another reason, Sahel is working closely with a foundation to support it’s cause and provide meaningful support to patients when they are short of help. Many patients so far have received treatments and financial support through the foundation,( including international patients who could only afford to be in US and in the clinic, to receive therapies by such means provided by the foundation). Examples are many….Sahel has committed itself to accelerate approvals in all regions globally to assure ease of access to the therapy where the patients need. Please see Cancer Research and Life foundation website( www.crlfoundation.org) for more information in regards to the foundation and grant applications.
A critical review of current cancer research and its applications
By: Mohammad A. Nezami, MD.