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Precision Medicine in oncology

O u r  M i s s i o n

Our Mission. Our Vision.

Applying a unique technology that overcomes current limitations in oncology by significantly enhancing the patients' response to therapy, reducing the cost of care, at the same time; enabling to provide positive impact on patients’ quality of life.
A central theme of this program is the personalized oncology strategy, embodied in a protocol called "MTET", for Multi molecular Targeted Epigenetic Therapy, a profile related to protocols generated from evidence on actionable targets/ customized cancer care. This approach utilizes advanced molecular technologies to match tumors with cancer treatments that optimizes chances for response.

Customized Care,

Consistent Outcome.

Using new method of treating patients with cancer (MTET), a non-toxic therapy that enhances the patient response and prevent recurrence need to be standard, and mainstream. This integrative approach can correlate with better outcome. We predict that such approach will become available to everyone affected by cancer. Insurance companies willing to pay for such services and public can have a better access to the therapy in future.